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Xbmcfreak 10.08 svn livecd's - Printable Version

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- Huar - 2010-07-28

Yamaha RX-V465

- Vankwish - 2010-07-28

Hi, I have just installed "Xbmcfreak LiveCD 10.08 svn32178" from usb onto a Revo 3610. Its fast playing all the HD stress test fine and outputting 5.1 to my receiver Big Grin

I cant get to the terminal but that is a known issue, it doesnt bother me as its hardwired anyway so i don't need to set up the wireless.

Two niggles with the install though . . . I can connect to transmission over the lan but not sabnzbd? Also wake from usb works by default but for the life of me I cant get WOL working. I have read some other posts and have updated the bios and changed all of the necessary settings. I haven't added any scripts suggested because i cant get to the terminal window?

None of these issues are too big but it would be nice to get them sorted, so if anyone can give me a few pointers I would really appreciate it. I consider myself a linux novice so please be gentle!

While I am here is there a guide to hand on how to add get the install to update itself?

Thank you,

- m3g4tr0n - 2010-07-28

Vankwish Wrote:I cant get WOL working. I have read some other posts and have updated the bios and changed all of the necessary settings. I haven't added any scripts suggested because i cant get to the terminal window?

what do you get when you run ethtool eth0 in terminal / putty?

- Vankwish - 2010-07-28

using putty i get "-bash: ethtool: command not found" ?


set root password and installed ethtool, now i get

Supports Wake-on: g
        Wake-on: d
        Link detected: yes

::EDIT 2::

so the i added "ethtool -s eth0 wol g" to "/etc/rc.local"

now with ethtool eth0 i get

Supports Wake-on: g
        Wake-on: g
        Link detected: yes

when i shut down the revo i get the random network port lights blinking on the back but when i try to wol form a win 7 machine using this tool i get nothing. Tried port 7 and 9? (should it matter that i am trying from a wireless pc?)

::EDIT 3::

ok so that didnt work, i went to the Ubuntu forums and followed the manual steps and now it works! Big Grin

The sense of accomplishment for a noob is amazing! now can anyone help me with sabnzbd?

- erhnam - 2010-07-28

Huar Wrote:Hi guys,

first of all I'm miserable that I didn't find a solution myself, although testing all sort of things. So I hope that someone here is willing to help me.

The problem is not exotic at all from the looks of it, i just can't figure out how to get HDMI audio to work. Sad

I have a ZOTAC Mag Mini (ZOTAC MAG HD-ND01), which is supposed to run fine with just the installation isn't it? However after like 10 clean installations of the latest live CD release (svn32178/Linux Kernel 2.6.32-24/Alsa 1.0.23) and several approaches in finding a solution, doing pretty much every step by step guide in any hdmi audio-thread, i still didn't manage do get it to work at all.

Here a few more infos:
zotac is connected via HDMI to Yamaha AV to TV (got picture, no sound though)


in xbmc:
audio output set to HDMI
Speaker config: 5.1
DD capable receiver: yes
DTS capable receiver: yes
audio output device hdmi
passthrough: hdmi

in bios:
iGPU Frame buffer is set to auto (256)

btw. when i connect the zotac directly to the TV, i have sound fwiw...

At the moment I'm on a clean install once again and willing to do anything you tell me! Smile

Change the speaker config in XBMC to 2.0 and see if that works...

- Vankwish - 2010-07-28

Ok i got sabnzbd+ running Big Grin here is what i have done for anyone else in the same situation.

It seems as though when you set a user/password when installing xbmcfreak to hdd it breaks sab.

ssh to the revo using putty, i logged in as root, im not sure if that was necessary though

nano /etc/default/sabnzbdplus
# This file is sourced by /etc/init.d/sabnzbdplus
# When SABnzbd+ is started using the init script, the
# --daemon option is always used, and the program is
# started under the account of $USER, as set below.
# Each setting is marked either "required" or "optional";
# leaving any required setting unconfigured will cause
# the service to not start.

# [required] user or uid of account to run the program as:
[b]USER="the username you created when installing"[/b]

# [optional] full path to the configuration file of your choice;
#            otherwise, the default location (in $USER's home
#            directory) is used:

# [optional] hostname/ip and port number to listen on:

# [optional] extra command line options, if any:
i saved this then rebooted. I then connected from a lan computer using http://ipaddress:9999/sabnzbd/

I think I am finding my way around this linux malarkey Big Grin but i can't find out how to update sab. can anyone point me in the right direction. Also im going to have a crack at sickbeard now.

- erhnam - 2010-07-28

Vankwish Wrote:Ok i got sabnzbd+ running Big Grin here is what i have done for anyone else in the same situation.

It seems as though when you set a user/password when installing xbmcfreak to hdd it breaks sab.

ssh to the revo using putty, i logged in as root, im not sure if that was necessary though

i saved this then rebooted. I then connected from a lan computer using http://ipaddress:9999/sabnzbd/

I think I am finding my way around this linux malarkey Big Grin but i can't find out how to update sab. can anyone point me in the right direction. Also im going to have a crack at sickbeard now.

Thx! I'll add this in the next version of my livecd!

- Vankwish - 2010-07-28

Quote:Thx! I'll add this in the next version of my livecd!

I have just installed sickbeard but i am currently working on getting it starting and stopping properly but for the next livecd it might be usefeull to set sabnzbd's http port to 9997, that way https could be 9998 and sickbeard 9999 just for the sake of making it easy? That's the way i am currently running it.

- Huar - 2010-07-28

erhnam Wrote:Change the speaker config in XBMC to 2.0 and see if that works...

it does not.

- Vankwish - 2010-07-28

Huar, have you you tried plugging in a different device like a 360 or ps3 in to your yamaha with the same hdmi cable to test it. I have an onkyo amp and i have to go into the setup and assign audio to video inputs and have further settings on hdmi audio. It might just be a shot in the dark but it doesnt sound like an xbmc live issue because having just set up the most recent build on the same mobo for a family member it worked out of the box.

( xbmcfreak's latest build <-HDMI-> sony receiver <-HDMI-> samsung hdtv )

- Huar - 2010-07-28

360 works fine with hdmi, so the receiver should be configured correctly.
also i can let the receiver show the incoming signals from hdmi port, it shows the video signal, but doesn't recognize the audio signal.

- Vankwish - 2010-07-28

OK Huar, i just had a check of the system i set up and it is as follows

Xbmcfreak LiveCD 10.08 svn32178
Audio Output - HDMI
Speaker Configuration - 5.1
Dolby Digital (AC3) capable reciever -enabled
DTS capable reciever -enabled
Audio output device - HDMI (also works on "default")
Passthrough output device - hdmi

It is a HDD live install from usb stick, built with unetbootin and in the bios i have set 512 aside for igpu. I havent changed/added anythings else it just works.

I hope this is of some help to you.


i should add that the sony receiver is an all-in-one style reciever so this might be why this setup is working.

Ultimate HTPC/UsenetPVR - Vankwish - 2010-07-29

Please excuse the repetition in my posts, but i am responding to a few pm's i have had about my setup. Two days ago i was a linux virgin. Since purchasing an Acer Aspire Revo and discovering the XBMCFreak live CD i have been determined to setup the ultimate HTPC/UsenetPVR.

Being such a novice i documented what i did as i went along (part of the learning experience and reference if i had to do it again) so i thought i would share what i did here incase anyone else wants to have a go.

Hopefully XBMCFreak might be able to include these changes by default in future builds? Nod

Everything below was done using PuTTY for windows and FireFTP for firefox.

Getting WOL to work

XBMCFreak live cd does not come with ethtool, so install it using:
sudo apt-get install ethtool
Once that is finished we can follow a slightly modified guide from Chris Tucker over on the Ubuntu forums.
cd /etc/init.d/
nano wakeonlanconfig
Then copy/paste or add the following:
ethtool -s eth0 wol g
Exit saving the changes, then set the permissions of the file.
chmod a+x wakeonlanconfig
Then make the script run on startup.
update-rc.d -f wakeonlanconfig defaults

Configuring Sabnzbd

It seems as though when you set a user/password when installing xbmcfreak to hdd it breaks sab. To fix it ssh to the revo using putty, i logged in as root, im not sure if that was necessary though.
nano /etc/default/sabnzbdplus
Then we want to edit this file for the user we created when installing the live CD to the HDD.
# This file is sourced by /etc/init.d/sabnzbdplus
# When SABnzbd+ is started using the init script, the
# --daemon option is always used, and the program is
# started under the account of $USER, as set below.
# Each setting is marked either "required" or "optional";
# leaving any required setting unconfigured will cause
# the service to not start.

# [required] user or uid of account to run the program as:
USER="the username you created when installing"

# [optional] full path to the configuration file of your choice;
#            otherwise, the default location (in $USER's home
#            directory) is used:

# [optional] hostname/ip and port number to listen on:

# [optional] extra command line options, if any:
Save this then reboot. You should now be able to connect from a lan computer using http://ipaddress:9997/sabnzbd/, where you can run through the setup wizard. (I use port 9997 so i have 9998 and 9999 for couchpotato and sickbeard also if i set HOST to or local host i can't connect from any lan computers?)

Updating Sabnzbd

From the sabnzbd Wiki by JCF Ploemen.
Quote:As with any repository, this one too has to be added to your /etc/apt/sources.list. To do so, run the following command in a terminal:
echo "deb [url]http://ppa.launchpad.net/jcfp/ppa/ubuntu[/url] $(lsb_release -c -s) main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
Now add the repository's gpg key to the list of keys known and trusted by apt:
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371 --recv-keys 0x98703123E0F52B2BE16D586EF13930B14BB9F05F
Next, tell apt to update, so it learns of the new package now available:
sudo apt-get update
Install the main program package. All dependencies will be automatically taken care of in this step as well:
sudo aptitude --with-recommends install sabnzbdplus
Finally, you can install the optional "Mobile" interface template:
sudo aptitude install sabnzbdplus-theme-mobile
And that's it.
Installing SickBeard XBMC Forum Sab Forum

Grab the sickbeard tar file and extract it. FTP the folder into your user dir and rename to ".sickbeard"

Quote:Originally i had botched together something to get sickbeard to run on startup but it wouldnt shut down with the pc and didnt work too well, then i found this tutorial by Ainer. The only changes i made to the tutorial was to set sickbeards port to 9999. Ainer's guide also contains a modified update script too!
Sabnzbd and Sickbeard Settings

Again Ainer has more thoughourly described these and If you follow his tutorial all should be working well. If sabnzbd doesn't fire up the autoprocesstv.py then it might be because you are running an older version of sabnzbd. I experienced this but it disappeared after updating sabnzbd as above.

The only extra things I added was increasing sab's cache to 128M and setting the the permissions of downloaded files to 777.

Installing CouchPotato XBMC Forum

Yay! finished! This is what i did .. .. ..
Prerequisite .. .. ..
sudo apt-get install git-core
Git-Clone Couchpotato
cd /home/[b]USERNAME[/b]/
git clone git://github.com/RuudBurger/CouchPotato.git couchpotato
Set to startup
cd couchpotato
sudo cp initd /etc/init.d/couchpotato
nano /etc/init.d/couchpotato[quote]#! /bin/sh

# Provides:          CouchPotato application instance
# Required-Start:    $all
# Required-Stop:     $all
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Short-Description: starts instance of CouchPotato
# Description:       starts instance of CouchPotato using start-stop-daemon

############### EDIT ME ##################
# path to app

# path to python bin
Set permissions and test .. .. ..
sudo chmod a+x /etc/init.d/couchpotato
sudo update-rc.d couchpotato defaults
/etc/init.d/couchpotato start
Initial set up was at http://ipaddress:5000/ auto updated and changed the settings to suit my directories searches and port (9998) and started downloading! (I preferred to allow couchpotato to sort/rename files so i disabled these in sabnzbd)


I access sabnzbd on http://ipaddress:9997/sabnzbd/
I access couchpotato on http://ipaddress:9998/
I access sickbeard on http://ipaddress:9999/home/

After forwarding the ports in my router i can now remotely wakeup xbmc from s3 and complete off, and access sabnzbd on https://wanipaddress:9996/sabnzbd/ to remotely start some downloads.

I have not experienced anything negative watching 1080i .mkv's whilst downoading/extracting. I haven't tried whilst watching a stress test yet. This is on an Acer Aspire Revo 3610 500gb HDD 4GB ram. Also watching 1080i from a networked media server whilst the unpacking was on the local disk.

The only problem that i have now is that i have to run through these steps every time i update XBMCFreaks live install. This wouldn't be a problem if he could incorporate these into his builds but if not is there any guides that would point me to installing XBMCFreak's live CD to sdcard and boot from there, keeping persistent settings and programs on the HDD of the Revo?

I also wonder whether it would be a good idea to keep the username and passworrd as xbmc/xbmc when installing to hdd?


I should have done this such a long time ago. I really can cut the cable now, just need to MASSIVELY upgrade the media server Confused

- Bram77 - 2010-07-29

Great additions! I'll be adding this to my Live installation once home Smile

- Hire - 2010-07-29

Hello I have installed xbmcfreak on my minipc (atom with realtek aclt662 as audio device ) and I dont get sound.

Into the xbmc log i get this:

ERROR: Unable to open audio mixer

The audio works on mplayer and sound-speaker. Any solutions? Sad