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How to I increase the timeout when playing a video - Printable Version

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How to I increase the timeout when playing a video - Zxurian - 2010-11-25

I have all of my content on a network drive with hard drives that spin down after non-use.

When firing up XBMC and browsing through, there's no delay, but when I goto play a video, it sends a request to the NAS to pull the file, but the timeout is just short enough that XBMC thinks the file is no longer there and asks to remove it from the library. A simple "no", then clicking to play the file again solves it, but I'd like to try not having to hit the first video watched twice if possible.

Any ideas?

- spiff - 2010-11-25

advancedsettings. <samba> client timeout.

- Zxurian - 2010-11-25

Apparently I'm too much of a xbmc nub.

Where would I access the advanced settings?

- spiff - 2010-11-25

see the wiki...

- Zxurian - 2010-11-25

ah ha.
Much obliged, thank you. Didn't know there was an advanced config option.

As an after thought to an off topic question, since you've been so helpful, maybe you could answer this.

I had a random idea to use the xbmc live server as a video pass through, like if I wanted to play a high end game on my regular Desktop, but have the video signal passed to my XBMC server (currently a Zotac HD-ID11), and then displayed on my tv, for the sake of playing something on my TV vs my regular monitor.

Is this even possible, or just wishful thinking?

- edz2k9 - 2010-12-05

spiff Wrote:advancedsettings. <samba> client timeout.

Hi there

apologies for the slight hijack but will this also work with NFS mounted shares?

- Milhouse - 2011-03-30

edz2k9 Wrote:Hi there

apologies for the slight hijack but will this also work with NFS mounted shares?

Bump... I'm experiencing the same issue with an NFS mount, any ideas on how to increase the timeout? It's not quite long enough for the four disks to spin up on my FreeNAS - another three or four seconds would do the trick! Smile

- edz2k9 - 2011-05-20

Hi there

just a quick resurrection of this. I was still having this issue recently and had another think about it.

NFS is a mounted remote file system (as opposed to a share request) and is handled by linux itself (way below XBMC's access - XBMC just thinks this is a local drive hence the lack of an NFS timeout option) so I went back to the web and looked into NFS mounting options. Among these are "timeo" which is - I believe - tenths of a second defaulted to 0.7 seconds. Changing your NFS mounts to ensure they include timeo=21 (2.1 seconds) should be enough - ymmv - (I'm testing this at present and havent seen the dreaded "item has been removed from library" message but this may be circumstantial - need to spin down all my unraid drives then try simulating a request from idle.).

You may also want to check out the difference between soft and hard mounted NFS drives in fstab and the effect it has on waiting requests. I believe the hard option is the default which will mean the client machine (xbmc in this case) will "hang" until the network drives are available. You cant kill a request in this case so you may want to add the "intr" option which allows a hanging call to be interrupted.

I *think* options


Seem to be a good set which will wait for spin up for 2.1 seconds and can be interrupted if the back end server is completely unresponsive but wont allow the client software to just carry on and assume the file request failed.

This is a useful link on the subject

