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fanart.tv - Request and share ClearLOGO, ClearART and more Fan Artwork / Thumbs - Printable Version

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- Maxoo - 2011-01-30

Thanks !

Can't, same bug as earlier, image is not a transparent .png.

- Kode - 2011-01-30

Maxoo Wrote:Thanks !

Can't, same bug as earlier, image is not a transparent .png.

Should be fixed now

- mcborzu - 2011-01-30

hikaricore Wrote:Yea a little glow is ok too much is ugghh, I usually go with clean or lightly feathered edges myself.
I just don't want a bunch of people getting confused and thinking it's absolutely standard. Smile
Not deny any image for having too much glow or anything but I just don't want it getting out of hand.

This is an example of too much glow:


Don't know what I was doing when I made it, obviously I thought it was good at the time, but when I pause that show and see it "real-time" the glow on the logo is crazy big...

- Kode - 2011-01-30

I've been on holiday so not much has been done, also still waiting for a designer to step up to help out with some little bits and pieces as requested several pages back and also on the very first post.

Will try to get the season linking and language thing done soon, but need to know the best way to do this, images exported from xbmcstuff have the season info saved like "season07", is that enough information or does it need more?

Do I need to give people a drop down box of seasons say Season 0 - Season 999 or do I need to maintain a table of all possible seasons for the shows in the database and load these in?

What needs to be available in the API?

Not sure how to support languages, do we have a list of possible languages and the uploaded selects which it is?

It's also possible to allow people to upload season thumbs without any season information on them maybe tag them as "generic", the downloader could then select the image, select the language, and choose which season they want on it and it automatically creates the image with for example Saison 03 if they selected french.


- gargoyle67 - 2011-01-30

is there going to be any option in the future for adding a text description for reporting bad art ? I've just reported "Spartacus: Blood and Sand - 129261" clearart from Imaginos which was passed a few days ago, It is cropped on the left\top and the text has all splotches in the background.

- Maxoo - 2011-01-31

Kode Wrote:Will try to get the season linking and language thing done soon, but need to know the best way to do this, images exported from xbmcstuff have the season info saved like "season07", is that enough information or does it need more?

Do I need to give people a drop down box of seasons say Season 0 - Season 999 or do I need to maintain a table of all possible seasons for the shows in the database and load these in?
If you do the second way, be sure to set minimum to three (a lot of uploaders (myself included) upload the first three season thumbs, even if only one season aired). Also try to add +1 season to what tvdb says (if the show hasn't stopped), for the same reason Wink

Kode Wrote:Not sure how to support languages, do we have a list of possible languages and the uploaded selects which it is?
Maybe start with something simple, like en, es, fr, ge.

Kode Wrote:It's also possible to allow people to upload season thumbs without any season information on them maybe tag them as "generic", the downloader could then select the image, select the language, and choose which season they want on it and it automatically creates the image with for example Saison 03 if they selected french.
Don't know if I understand well, but if you're meaning you want to create a kind of script that takes an image and puts "season X", or "saison X", etc. I think it won't be possible. Font on the season thumbs are made to match logo's, and therefore often have effects on them.

Also, the transparent file bug is still here. Now it says : "Images must be image/jpeg, yours is "

- Kode - 2011-01-31

Well obviously if we generated the season x on the image it wouldn't match the logo, but it would mean when new seasons come out people wouldn't have to wait for someone to generate an image specifically, could possibly allow people to specify 1 of several fonts to use, or maybe even upload a font.

Last one should be fixed now.

Maxoo Wrote:If you do the second way, be sure to set minimum to three (a lot of uploaders (myself included) upload the first three season thumbs, even if only one season aired). Also try to add +1 season to what tvdb says (if the show hasn't stopped), for the same reason Wink

Maybe start with something simple, like en, es, fr, ge.

Don't know if I understand well, but if you're meaning you want to create a kind of script that takes an image and puts "season X", or "saison X", etc. I think it won't be possible. Font on the season thumbs are made to match logo's, and therefore often have effects on them.

Also, the transparent file bug is still here. Now it says : "Images must be image/jpeg, yours is "

- hikaricore - 2011-01-31

gargoyle67 Wrote:is there going to be any option in the future for adding a text description for reporting bad art ? I've just reported "Spartacus: Blood and Sand - 129261" clearart from Imaginos which was passed a few days ago, It is cropped on the left\top and the text has all splotches in the background.

There are a couple old cleararts while not perfect are fine to leave where they are.
Unless Imaginos specifically tells me that he wants them taken down I don't have a problem with em.
Also if the same image comes back to a listing a few times after being reported just assume that it's fine and stop reporting it.
I'm tired of seeing them. :p You are welcome however to clean them up if you'd like and submit them in a less imperfect form.

But I agree that we could use a note for the reason something is being reported.
It would cut down on the number of assholes who report things just because they're uploading a new image. :p

- Kode - 2011-01-31

gargoyle67 Wrote:is there going to be any option in the future for adding a text description for reporting bad art ? I've just reported "Spartacus: Blood and Sand - 129261" clearart from Imaginos which was passed a few days ago, It is cropped on the left\top and the text has all splotches in the background.

Add it to the feedback section http://fanart.tv/feedback/ and I'll look into it Smile

- gargoyle67 - 2011-01-31

Mmm seems the no left cropping rules out the window then:p.

- hikaricore - 2011-01-31

We're just not going to go back through and retroactively remove some of the first clear art because it doesn't strictly follow current the most current rules. That would be retarded.. If you actually find really bad images report them but don't be petty. New cleararts are generally expected to follow most if not all the new rules, so don't get cute about it either. Wink

- Kode - 2011-01-31

RE: approving images overwritting old images: this should be sorted now, I think the issue was when an image is approved the images name is changed to the format showname-tvdbid-x.png and there is also a process that reorders all the images as well, it now checks if the destination file already exists before trying to rename an image.

This might mean some images can't be approved, but at least I will be able to investigate why it can't be approved rather than something being overwritten.

I have also fixed another bug where an images extension wasn't being preserved, basically it was appending .png to the filename instead of .jpg if it was a seasonthumb or tvthumb

- Maxoo - 2011-01-31

Kode Wrote:Last one should be fixed now.
Still getting an error : "Images must be image/jpeg, yours is Array"

I'm sure the image is ok cause I already uploaded it, and it appeared correctly. It was denied on my request, because I made an error on another part of the set. But this particular image is exactly the same one as before.

- MarkAsRead - 2011-01-31

Maxoo Wrote:Still getting an error : "Images must be image/jpeg, yours is Array"

I'm sure the image is ok cause I already uploaded it, and it appeared correctly. It was denied on my request, because I made an error on another part of the set. But this particular image is exactly the same one as before.

Have you tried another browser? Remember we had somebody who had similar issues a while back.

- gargoyle67 - 2011-01-31

Guilty Blush you may want to try and empty your browser cacheNod