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Are there any tools that support extrafanart (Extra FanArt)? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Are there any tools that support extrafanart (Extra FanArt)? (/showthread.php?tid=91021)

Are there any tools that support extrafanart (Extra FanArt)? - MrCrispy - 2011-01-19

IMO it seems to be a much neglected feature in XBMC which is already present in some of the other htpc software. The support is present in some skins (like Night) but not in the metadata scrapers, and its not universal so a a lot of manual work is involved.

There was an open ticket to add it to Ember but that's been abandoned. Is there a chance for this to be in the base skinning engine?

- ubuntuf4n - 2011-01-19

You could download extrafanart as extrathumbs with ember and than run a renaming tool (ReNamer works well).

Its easier than it might sound.

- bencorn - 2011-01-19

Extrafanart is supported in Ember and has been for some time now. Just select "Download all Fanart" in the images options and it will download all of them automatically or you can just check mark all the fanart you want when you get to that screen when you're scraping and then highlight the one you want to be your primary fanart. All additional fanart gets added to a folder called extrathumbs that gets created in the movie folder. Extrathumbs folder is read by most skins that I've tried. Transparency!, being the one I use, reads from this folder just fine and shows several of the extra artwork.

- bionic1234 - 2011-01-23

Might be neat if there was a script for XBMC to do this, similar to the logo downloader script:

- putneyj - 2011-10-02

Hi all!

I have written an XBMC script for bulk downloading for all TV Shows and Movies. Currently the script is for XBMC Dharma, but I am working to re-write it to work with the JSON-RPC API for Eden. Please, take a look and let me know if you run into any issues, or if you have any features you would like to see.


- Martijn - 2011-10-02

For pre-Eden there's this add-on.

Same function. Maybe work together on this Wink

- Vincent81 - 2011-10-02

You can use XBNE, it download all fanarts and can copy automatically fanart 1 and 2 to extrafanart (path name of extrafanart in option). It can also extract picture from video to create extrafanart...