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Black screen if tv is turned on after boot - Printable Version

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Black screen if tv is turned on after boot - shassino - 2011-03-19

I have a problem, if i turn on the tv (LG 32' LCD) after boot, all i get is black screen and i have to reboot (restart X don't work).
Is possible to enable hdmi output using a modeline if the tv is off?

AMD HD4200 ipg on a Asus M4A785D-EM
Phenom II X2 550
Ubuntu 10.10 and fglrx 8.801

- h.udo - 2011-03-19

Same problem here with a couple LG LCD's.

I learned a long time ago that pressing any key in the remote 'wakes' XBMC.

Try that.


- BLKMGK - 2011-03-19

This could also be the inability of X to read the EDID display data from the panel when it boots, making an assumption about display capabilities, and making a mistake. It's possible to dump the EDID info from the panel and point X at that to solve this but I've honestly never managed to do it. I don't know why restarting X isn't solving this but perhaps I've given you a lead.

Honestly I just leave my box on 24x7 and always ensure my panel\receiver is on during reboots...

- shassino - 2011-03-22

Ty BLKMGK for the tip i'm dumping atm the edid info from Xorg debug log atm and then i will write the modelines. I'll check also if the DFP-0 or 1 device is detected.
If it isn't detected can i tell X to use DFP trought <Option "ConnectedMonitor" "DFP">??

- Aenima99x - 2011-03-22

Not sure if will help, but you may want to look into xrandr. Unrelated to XBMC, but I use a startup script on my laptop to check if my external monitors are connected and disbale the laptop display if so. Here's my script that maybe you can work off to have it detect/enable the display
xrandr |grep DVI-0 | grep " connected "
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    xrandr --output LVDS --off
    xrandr --output DVI-0 --primary --auto --output VGA-0 --right-of DVI-0 --auto
    xrandr --output LVDS --auto --output VGA-0 --off --output DVI-0 --off

- BLKMGK - 2011-03-23

shassino Wrote:Ty BLKMGK for the tip i'm dumping atm the edid info from Xorg debug log atm and then i will write the modelines. I'll check also if the DFP-0 or 1 device is detected.
If it isn't detected can i tell X to use DFP trought <Option "ConnectedMonitor" "DFP">??

Honestly I don't know and am not best to ask. X gave me fits and while I'd love to write modelines to get 1080P on my panels vs the 1080i they display now it's beyond me and the resolution not listed in the EDID. Sorry I cannot be of more help but it sounds like you're making some progress anyway!

- jrbastien - 2011-03-23

Open the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf and search for the “Screen” section. Add the following line of code:
Option "ConnectedMonitor" "DFP-1"

This was taken from here:
