What Version

Been using XBMC for a long time now. But just moved and wanted to do a clean install of xbmc.
So this is my question, What version should i use.
To narrow this down i have been using XBMC freak live version before and feel comfortable with this but i see people are having issues with the latest version (auto mount etc.)

Anyone recently done an install and found a way that works well?

im using a revo 3610.

If 10.1 does what you expect of it, stick with it. Otherwise, start experimenting with dev builds.
Yeah, Should i stick with xbmc live, xbmcfreak live or a linux install with xbmc on top?

Well, it depends a bit on how much experience you have with or want to learn about Linux. The easiest is just do XBMC live and install it. Or XBMCfreak, but I don't know the difference between the two. I just run a generic Linux distro.
I can recompile kernels... lols...
im fairly good with nix so dont have any hangups there.
might play around with ubuntu and install xbmc over it.

One last question.
When i set this up and have everything running. if i then want to update xbmc or move to an updated kernel by doing a fresh install. how do i back up my xbmc settings etc so i dont lose any data in a reinstall
Just backup the '.xbmc' dir in the home of your xbmc running user.
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Why would you want to do either of those by doing a fresh install??

But yeah, backing up ~/.xbmc is the way to go.

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