[Linux] XbmcLive + git compile pre eden and karaoke setup

Having retired my XBOX 1 from active dut I decided to give ol karaoke a a spin.

On my ION gen 1 there is a analog 3.5mm jack microphone input which I can record sound from and playback file.

problem is getting XBMC to recognize that input in realtime to singalaong to a karaoke track cd+g/mp3

I have tried obviously enabling mic boost in alsamixer and crank up and unmute mic in alsamixer but no matter what I do xbmc doesnt see to understand the microphone.

System is Asrock ION 330 HT running xbmclive and current compiled git + latest nvidia drivers and alsa.

Any help would be appreciated form anyone who managed to setup a mic with a ION system in xbmclive ubuntu based or similar that can be adapted.

any help here? i have similar issue?

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[Linux] XbmcLive + git compile pre eden and karaoke setup0