Music Video Scrapers?
I could have sworn there used to be the option to set a folder as containing music videos, but now I can't find that option. All I can choose is either TV Shows or Movies.

I have a folder of music videos, wth folders named after each artist, inside the main folder... and inside each artists' folder are their music videos.

I can't seem to be able to get them to show up, however. I've tried everything. I can't set the folder as containing Music Videos, since there's no option to do so.

I'm running the latest nightly build on Windows 7 x64. Any help would be appreciated!

I should also add that I run in portable mode for mobility of my media drive to multiple PC's, but all the PC's are running Win7x64.
We used to use MTV for the music video scraper, but that site has stopped working. At the moment there is no music video scraper. You can add the "Yahoo Music Videos" add-on and this will restore the ability to scrape music videos, but the Yahoo site isn't very effective.


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