FTP stream from humax 5050c
Different software versions on the Humax possibly?

Mine is
hw HDR REV 1.0
sw HDPXCIR 1.00.20
KODI: LibreElec on Raspberry Pi
KODI: LibreElec on Asus Chromebox
Soft- and hardware versions are identical. Is there anyhing else I can do to figure this out? Would it help if I allowed you FTP access to the device jhsrennie? I could send you the details via pm...

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Ubuntu 12.10 minimal XBMC auto-install script :: XBMControl :: Xbmc XBOX Skins :: XBMControl for Android :: Owner of Sudo Systems
Ok, I did some more testing. I've created a pastebin log including the packet bytes now. As you can see from line 2639 to 2655 the FTP server does return the directory list. Somehow after that the connection is closed.

On line 1151 a syntax error occurs, but this doesn't seem to influence the connectivity.


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Ubuntu 12.10 minimal XBMC auto-install script :: XBMControl :: Xbmc XBOX Skins :: XBMControl for Android :: Owner of Sudo Systems
I did some more testing. I can't mount the FTP drive on Ubuntu 11.04 (Linux Mint 11, actually but this makes no difference) either (I've tested on 11.10 before). Mounting the drive manually with gvfs-mount does seem to work (no errors) but I can't find the mounted directory, mounting it with curlftpfs doesn't work at all. What came up while testing is that mounting it with curlftpfs using -o utf8 resulted in a 500 error. Without the option it seemed to mount without errors, but the drive wasn't actually mounted to the local directory so I guess it failed without output.

I've installed the latest XBMC nightly on WIndows 7 x86 in a virtual machine (runs pretty well to my surprise) and here mounting the FTP drive works flawless! So it's clearly a Ubuntu > 10.4 related problem.
I've tried mounting the FTP drive to a local directory on my HTPC. But this is not a solution since I do not have the Humax on all the time. So adding it to fstab is pretty much useless. Mounting via curlftpfs isn't working anyway.

I've also done a factory reset and formatted the Humax drive. I really can't think of anything else to do....

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Ubuntu 12.10 minimal XBMC auto-install script :: XBMControl :: Xbmc XBOX Skins :: XBMControl for Android :: Owner of Sudo Systems
No suggestions at all?

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Ubuntu 12.10 minimal XBMC auto-install script :: XBMControl :: Xbmc XBOX Skins :: XBMControl for Android :: Owner of Sudo Systems
I am getting a "mounted" icon on ubuntu. When I click it it opens a directory but not showing any files. I am not sure how to put this command to ?active.

sudo curlftpfs -o allow_other HumaxFTP:[email protected]/Video /media/humax -v

removing it can be done via

sudo fusermount -u /media/humax

/media/humax is my location setup for the FTP mount

terminal shows:

~$ sudo curlftpfs -o allow_other HumaxFTP:[email protected]/Video /media/humax -v
* Couldn't find host in the .netrc file; using defaults
* About to connect() to port 21 (#0)
* Trying * connected
* Connected to ( port 21 (#0)
< 220 Welcome to connection.
< 331 Password required for humaxftp.
> PASS 0000
< 230 User logged in, proceed.
< 257 "/media" is current working dir.
* Entry path is '/media'
> CWD Video
< 250 File action is successful. Proceed.
* Remembering we are in dir "Video/"
* Connection #0 to host left intact

I also tried the tip of Rrrr, I have copied the suggestion in the file sources.xml Unfortunately this does not show up as one of the available sources when I try to add a new video folder...

Is it known why this is not working ? Or should we keep on struggling..

I managed to get it to work by diving into the xbmc sourcecode.

Add this to your sources.xml (with the correct ip-address of course):

<name>TV recordings</name>
<path pathversion="1">ftp://HumaxFTP:[email protected]?active&pasvip=0</path>

I am on Ziggo in Holland and can play the recordings on my Raspberry Pi Smile

But check carefully if your Humax is set to the correct IP. Mine was set to static ip but it used a dynamic ip anyway. Had to switch it to static again.

I only wonder how long the Humax will survive this without crashing.

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FTP stream from humax 5050c0