Add XBMC version info on screen?
I've been using the XBMC live installed on a box for awhile and it's been working great. One thing is I can't figure out if I have v9 or the new v10.

Can you add a feature to put the XBMC version number like in the system properties or somewhere? Would be nice to check the version easily like that.

I know there are some technical command line through SSH ways, but an easy way would be nice since this is already easy to use with a remote.
From xbmc 10.1 it can be found somewhere in settings/system
Here a screenshot from the standaard skin Confluence

How to get there 'system-> system info -> summary'

Just above the CPU/Memory usage bars is the version

Mine says: XBMC pre-11.0
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I must have version "Live 9.1" because I just looked and can't find those options anywhere.

When I 'System', it only gives me options for video, music, pictures and such. I guess what you showed me is the newer so I'll download the new "Live v10.1" and reinstall with that.

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Add XBMC version info on screen?0