Putting together my first dedicated HTPC build
Beer40oz Wrote:Just an update.... my CX430 died on me .....
Started making a hissing sound.... and even with the computer off it still did it....

Rut Row! Huh
How long did you have it before it died? Did it take any other components down with it?
My first HTPC build
My UnRaid Server
Kingston rebates and ASUS warranties are WORTHLESS FRAUDS
i think barely month, right Beer?
Quote:Just an update.... my CX430 died on me .....
Started making a hissing sound.... and even with the computer off it still did it....

If you read the first page of reviews for it I am not the only one.

I guess there quality went down....

I learned a long ago to not rely on peoples reviews to determine build quality. The more popular a product is, the more product is out in the wild and the higher chance of finding someone with a similar problem. I remember when the Asus P67 b3 motherboards launched, there were posts EVERYWHERE about the high defect rate and problems galore, then a retailer released actual sales numbers with defects/returns and the defect rate was actually lower than most. This line of power supplies is incredibly popular and pretty much all electronics see at least a 3% defect rate at minimum(likely a bit higher). You will get bad products and you will hear about other peoples DOAs but unfortunately, you don't learn much from it.
singularity2030 Wrote:I learned a long ago to not rely on peoples reviews to determine build quality. The more popular a product is, the more product is out in the wild and the higher chance of finding someone with a similar problem. I remember when the Asus P67 b3 motherboards launched, there were posts EVERYWHERE about the high defect rate and problems galore, then a retailer released actual sales numbers with defects/returns and the defect rate was actually lower than most. This line of power supplies is incredibly popular and pretty much all electronics see at least a 3% defect rate at minimum(likely a bit higher). You will get bad products and you will hear about other peoples DOAs but unfortunately, you don't learn much from it.
Good point. Differences between reviews on newegg vs. amazon for the same products might be related to sales volume? I hadn't thought of that. Of course you have to factor in user error too. Newegg has become so mainstream now that a lot of reviews don't know what they are doing.
My first HTPC build
My UnRaid Server
Kingston rebates and ASUS warranties are WORTHLESS FRAUDS
It lasted 2 days... (I had it sitting for about 2 weeks) I have a PSU tester so I tested it before installing it. I noticed on the second day my fan controller temperature panel started tripping and giving me random readings in my case. So I thought that it may have broken. The I heard this buzzing hissing sound I thought it was my new fanless GPU but no.

Turned the computer off and still that buzzing sound was there. It's the PSU. I unplugged it quick. Took out my antec neo eco 520 that I have for my unraid system and tested that with my fan controller and it was normal.

So today I will be receiving my new antec neo eco 400w to replace that CX430.

I can not return my CX430 back to new egg because I already did the MIR for $20 on it.
So that means I can RMA it to corsair and loose more money.

I am just going to trash it.
Oh and by the way!

I was really bummed out on my new GPU fanless ... I thought it was what was buzzing but I was more concerned on the temps. Because I installed it the same time as the CX430..... I contacted EVGA right away and this is what they said....

Your Question:

How hot should this GPU run? Mine idles at 70-75c and watching a HD video it can go to 90c

Case has good airflow too.

Thank you.
Your Answer:

the card is actually running right near the edge of temps it can withstand. I would recommend opening the side of the case and seeing if the temp drops. Also, the 12V rail may be providing incorrect Voltage. Reboot, and go into your motherboard BIOS. You are looking for a section called either Hardware Monitor/HW Monitor/System Monitor/PC Health Status. Once in, you need to look for the output on +12V. ATX spec is between 11.4 – 12.6, however different brands have VERY different tolerances for overvolting and under volting, if it is outside 11.96 and 12.30, or if you observe consistant flunctuations of more than .04-.08 volts please contact your PSU manufacturer for their specific tollerances to under/over volting and voltage fluctuation, as this could be the cause of your heating.

If you have further issues please feel free to email us back or call support anytime 24/7.
EVGA Tech Support

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