Crash while updating media library..
So it seems XBMC crashes while im updating my music library..

XBMC eden beta 1
Apple tv 2, 4.3
installed XBMC trough SSH.
XBMC log:
eldelxl Wrote:So it seems XBMC crashes while im updating my music library..

XBMC eden beta 1
Apple tv 2, 4.3
installed XBMC trough SSH.
XBMC log:


same thing happened to me.
Apple tv2 latest version new jailbreak as of yesterday, latest everything, same issue. All movie info loaded up, but as soon as it started updating music information as others here..... Crashes reliably back to iOS. If I delete album and try again it gets a little further then crashes again.
I thought the above was single quotes in track or folder names but it looks like that's not it.
Try using mp3tag, highlight all mp3s and hit save. This will rewrite the id3 tags which is hopefully what the problem is for you guys. Worked for me. Seemed mine would crash on id3 v2.2 tags I think.
I had the exact same thing with movies and videos - crash straight away when using NFS as network type. Switched to UPNP and worked fine. Switched back to NFS and changed audio output to HDMI and no more crashing or buffering after 10 seconds and all metadata updating!
My setup is as follows:
Ubuntu Linux 11.10 with NFS for media share (as its supposed to be good for streaming)
2TB hard drive
HP DC7900 with headless desktop build
1GB RAM dedicated to a Ubuntu 10 virtual machine with PS3 Media Server for UPNP sharing
Apple TV 2 iOS 4.3
I had this problem as well. I originally thought that it was the nightly build of xbmc, but after eden was released, it persisted. I looked at my library, and noticed if I regenerated the tags it would *sometimes* go away.

So I used mp3tag, and regenerated all ID3v2.2 tags to have ID3v2.3 (v1 v2.3) and it appears to now successfully load my entire library.
This worked for me too - converting all my tags to v2.3 stopped it from crashing.
Updating the tags with mp3Tag solved my issues as well.
we are *always* interested in samples of media that cause crashes.

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