Linux Help needed to setup xmbc usb stick
First of all you shoul know that I am absolute newbee in Linux world!
I would like to set up a live version of xmbc on a stick. My Hardware is an Acer Aspire 5732Z.

I tried out this two versions which I setup using Lili:
xmbc 10.1 Dharma live iso.
xmbcbuntu current version.

What happened so far:
- xmbcbuntu needs to be run with nomodeset, otherwise it wont start (I had this problem before with various Live Linux versions)
- Once it's started menu navigation is acting very very slow
- CPU usage is about 90% xmbc beeing idle
- when I exit xmbc I cant log into ubuntu. I find myself at login prompt but login says incorrect (using xmbc as user password blank or xmbc)

- xmbc dharma works fine so far, starts up quickly and acts fluent.
- CPU usage is fair 20% when xmbc is idle
- video/music/photo playback is ok
- but no internet connection is available
- exiting xmbc interface I have the same login problems as with xmbcbuntu.

Now as I can't login I'm stuck!

I would really apreciate your help on this.


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