Aeon MQ3 in Cinemascope mode?

is there a way I can set Aeon MQ3 to display the dashboard in Cinemascope mode? (21:9)?

I have tried everything possible and unfortunately I can't find an option.. looks like it always uses the full 16:9 screen.

That's obviously a problem for the people with 21:9 screens.. some projectors can automatically adjust the 16:9 image to a 21:9 screen (with ugly huge black bars to the sides). But in most cases the only solution is to project the 16:9 image using the whole width of the 21:9 screen (meaning: projecting outside of the screen top and bottom)

Maybe is that planned for Aeon MQ4?
bump, cant wait for someone with skills to want the same thing we do. I'll edit aeon myself if it comes down to it.

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Aeon MQ3 in Cinemascope mode?0