[iPad] How do I change the subtitle position
I'm using DisplayOut together with an HDMI adapter on iOS 5.1.1 to get XBMC in fullscreen when watching movies on my TV. In order to get the movies fullscreen I have to scale the video, but when I do that the subtiles in XBMC are below the TV screen.
When I try to change the subtitle position via Video settings/Video Calibration I have no idea how to get to the next setting or change the current one?
Is there any touch screen action to do this or do I have to do it via a BT keyboard? Is it possible at all?
Asus motherboard
Intel i5 8500
Win 10 64bit
Try using the remote button on the web interface (wiki).

Also, if you feel adventurous, nightly builds now have native tv out support: HOW-TO:Install_XBMC_on_iPad/iPhone/iPod_touch#Nightly_builds (wiki)
Use the confluence theme. Smile

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[iPad] How do I change the subtitle position0