Changes in dialognumeric.xml
hi all,

just a quick note to say i've made a couple of (non-breaking!Wink changes to the numeric dialog.

basically, i've removed the desciption labels (id's 2, 3), added two new button controls (id's 22 and 23), and changed the colors used for the input label (id 4).

the controls are now:

id 1: heading label.
id 4: input label. it uses the text color for the current piece of info being editted, and the disabled color for unedited bits of the info. it uses the mid-point of these two colors for an unedited current piece of info. have a play and you'll see what i mean!
id 10 -> id 19: number buttons.
id 20: previous button (go to previous piece of info to edit)
id 21: enter button (exits dialog and performs validation etc.)
id 22: next button (go to next piece of info to edit)
id 23: backspace button (delete last input info)

let me know if you need more information Smile

as i say, i've arranged it so that it won't break things - the two extra buttons are actions via the keymap anyway, so the user doesn't lose anything if you don't want to implement them.

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Changes in dialognumeric.xml0