Unable to scrape content - ATV1

I'm fairly new to XBMC. I had been using Boxee on my ATV until I ran into SMB problems when updating my desktop to Lion. I installed SMBup , but was still unable to get Boxee to connect to my shared folders.

I have been successful with XBMC. I can navigate to my shared folders and play content without a problem. I've added the source folders, I've assigned the type of content, and I've picked my scrapers. But they won't scrape.

I installed XBMC on my desktop and attempted to scrape to see if the issue was with my file naming structure. I was able to successfully scrape and create a library with the same content over SMB on a desktop.

So the problem lies somewhere with the ATV1 and this XBMC install.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Here are my technical specs,
XBMC 11.0
ATV 1 connected via Ethernet
Launcher ver 3.2.5
SMB via SMBup on Mac Pro Running Lion 10.7.4
Media is on a Drobo attached to the Mac Pro

Log File: http://pastebin.com/HesFT15R

Thanks in advance,
Hmm... no one has any ideas? I think I'm going to just do a total wipe and install with a patchstick (i think that's what they're called... it's been a while).
Looks like one of your database files is messed up or something. Since there's nothing in it yet, you can just delete them and XBMC will make new ones the next time it starts.

Use something like Cyberduck (wiki) and make an SFTP connection to the ATV (I think username and password default to "frontrow" on the ATV1 using the original OS).

Then delete

/Users/frontrow/Library/Application Support/XBMC/userdata/Databases/MyVideo60.db


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Unable to scrape content - ATV10