Win XBMC UPnP client not visible

Maybe what I am trying to do is not possible: I want to stream pictures,music etc. from my Android device to XBMC on my PC. There are several apps that allow to do this and it worked well with my Popcorn Hour. Basically I could choose whatever I wanted to stream from my Android and Popcorn Hour would just play it on the large screen.

Now I set up UPnP in the Network settings:
- Allow control of XBMC via UPnP
- Allow programs on other systems to control XBMC

However XBMC does not show up as a target for media streaming on my Android.

Is what I want to do possible? What is wrong?
No-one... ?
XBMC is only a UPnP Server, I think what you're looking for is a UPnP MediaRenderer which XBMC is currently not supporting.
What are you using to stream on your android device?

I am using all kinds of apps: 2Player and Eyecon are the most important ones.


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