Poster not displaying in DialogVideoInfo for show with a single seaon
All of my shows with two or more seasons, and my movies will show the poster when I press enter on an episode.

For all my single season shows when the info just displays the gradient.

I added this hoping it would select the poster.jpg I had in the shows folder but it didn't work:
<control type="image">
<description>Cover image</description>
<texture background="true">$INFO[Player.FolderPath,,/../poster.jpg]</texture>

I also tried $VAR[PosterVar2]. I'm not sure what the difference is, but i found it in one of the skins files.
i doubt that this is skin-related. tested in other skins?
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It's skin related because it deals with the conditions of PosterVar found in the skins variables.xml.

I just messed up the path to the poster.jpg. This altered texture worked:
<texture background="true">$INFO[ListItem.Path,,poster.jpg]</texture>

I tried to find the exception in variables.xml, but I'm not familiar enough with xbmc to find the issue.

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Poster not displaying in DialogVideoInfo for show with a single seaon0