Help - I've lost artist photos!

I've been happily running 11 on my ATV 2 since Feb and most the artists in music have a photo (not always the right one!). Anyway, the other day I updated ATV to iOS 5.1.1, re-jailbroke it using SeasonPass and reinstalled XMBC 11.

I've reconnected to my NAS and all works fine apart from artist photos which are now missing. I've cleaned library and re-scanned several times. I've tried connecting to my NAS share by SMB and NFS but both have the same problem.

Using XMBC on my Mac to access the same content, all the photos are there so it can't be to do with the files...

Any ideas?

OK I've noticed under Add Ons, AllMusic scrapper is 'broken' I enabled Universal Scrapper and rescanned assuming that would sort it... but no.

OK worked it out. I'd enabled Universal Scrapper but not selected it! Doh...

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Help - I've lost artist photos!0