Android tv show menu crashes xbmc
my share is working fine on other devices but on xbmc frodo for android. xbmc crashes every time i try and open the source i have set for tv shows this was working fine and started out of now where. im tryied removing the source adding another ect the only way i can access the files in the source is if i set the content to none then i can watch my shows. sometimes it takes awile to crash after i try to open the source other times its instantly

im using the neon skin so i cant see the library updating bar but on the other skin it seems will checking library for updates in the tv show folder its freezing also if i hit c to bring up menu i click stop scan and it does nothing
any ideals on whats causing the crash
You can only tell us - check your logs and use so everyone can try to help. Either paste the logs there after copy\pasting issue or uploading the entire file somewhere.

For android the xbmc logs are in the folder(s) below - make sure you have root access in your file explorer settings.


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tv show menu crashes xbmc0