Apple TV2 and AL TV
Everytime I start up XBMC it automatically scans and downloads information for AL TV (Wierd AL Yankovic TV). I can delete the information and the shows but it scans and downloads automatically everytime. I have saved a variety of tv shows on my NAS but AL TV is not one of them.
Any suggestions. I am running EDEN 11.0 on Apple TV2 with 5.1.1.

It's incorrectly identifying another folder. I used to remember what it was, because it was fairly common and it always triggered "AL TV", but I can't remember it off the top of my head anymore. When it shows up get info on the show (press i on the keyboard or bring up the context menu and select "TV show information") and look at what it says under "Path". That should tell you what folder it's picking up for this.

Then you can exclude this folder from being scanned by going to Videos -> Files and navigating to that folder, then bring up the contextual menu again and select "set content" and tell it to exclude from updates.

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Apple TV2 and AL TV0