Free Cable and Hulu Errors
Could someone just point me in the right direction? It seems I am missing something fundamental or simple.

It seems to me that I am running the wrong version of something? I downloaded the BlueCop Repo from Fusion, but anytime I try to look at a station "adult swim, a&e, all of them don't work" I get this error.

I am running it on a dedicated machine that has just Couch Potato, Sick Beard, and XBMC installed on it.

Windows 7 64bit and XBMC Frodo RC 3

I also seem to get the same problem for HULU:

When i install these apps on a different Computer with Ubuntu and XBMC Frodo RC 3 it seems to work fine, so i dont know what i am missing.
I found a solution:

while reading a Post on for Hulu i found this:
Quote:I've been having a big issue with the hulu plugin which really makes little sense... I've got a few instances of XBMC running at home (all Win7) and the issue only crops up on one computer. I've taken the entire directory for the addon and userdata and copied it from the working instance to the non-working instance and it hasn't solved a thing. In looking at the logs I noticed the following:

18:50:56 T:4024 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.ValueError'>
Error Contents: invalid \x escape
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\xbmc\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\\", line 12, in <module>
import resources.lib.common as common
File "C:\Users\xbmc\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\\resources\lib\common​.py", line 34, in <module>
exec "args = _Info(%s)" % (urllib.unquote_plus(sys.argv[2][1:].replace("&", ", ").replace('"','\'').replace('%5C', '%5C%5C')), )
ValueError: invalid \x escape
-->End of Python script error report<--
18:50:56 T:3928 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://​ulu%5cresources%5cimages%5cicon_popular.jpg%22&fanart=%22C%3a%5cUsers%5cxbmc%5cAppData%5cRoaming%5cXBMC%5caddons%5cplugin.v​ideo.hulu%5cfanart.jpg%22&mode=%22CarouselMenu%22&name=%22Popular%20Episodes%22&page=%221%22&popular=%22false%22&updatelisting=%22false%22&
18:50:56 T:3928 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://​ulu%5cresources%5cimages%5cicon_popular.jpg%22&fanart=%22C%3a%5cUsers%5cxbmc%5cAppData%5cRoaming%5cXBMC%5caddons%5cplugin.v​ideo.hulu%5cfanart.jpg%22&mode=%22CarouselMenu%22&name=%22Popular%20Episodes%22&page=%221%22&popular=%22false%22&updatelisting=%22false%22& failed

After staring it this for quite some time I noticed the "%5c" in the last two lines. If the code is case sensitive, a '%5C' does not equal '%5c'. I changed the following line and now everything works for me.\resource\lib\ Line 34
exec "args = _Info(%s)" % (urllib.unquote_plus(sys.argv[2][1:].replace("&", ", ").replace('"','\'').replace('%5c', '%5C%5C')), )

I've seen a number of people posting similar complaints without a resolution, so I figured that I would share. I dabble with Perl at work, but have never touched Python. Can someone help get a resolution to this? Figure out how we can make the string case insensitive, or rewrite to match all cases? And get this into the GIT tree?

Also, anyone know why this would affect some Win7 machines and not others? That's got me baffled.

Doing what he did and replacing the 5C with a 5c fixed the issue i was having with both Hulu and Free Cable. I am going to take a longer look at the code and try to see if other add-ons are doing something similar to what blue is doing but in a different way. Also to see if i can make it case insensitive some how.

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