Win Some HD videos won't display correctly
I am using Intel HD onboard graphics with G555, hardware decoding. Many HD files display as in the screenshot - this happens every 5 seconds / every minute, depending on the file. MPC HC on the same pc with lav filters displays all these videos without Ay trouble - but I like xbmc! Smile XBMC, however, displays some of the HD files correctly, including 1080p hd rips with True HD audio. The info of the file in the screenshot also below. Please help.

Can't see the screenshot, however Intel graphics don't always play nice with hardware acceleration enabled in XBMC so try with DXVA2 off and use the software renderer.
Unfortunately my G555 is not powerful enough to handle 1080p with software acceleration (i know that the file I was reffering to in my initial post was 720p, and could probably be decoded without hardware acceleration, but many full HD quality files have the same issue too)
I am also experiencing this on 720/1080 H264 files. It did not happen before Frodo. I'm also using Intel HD graphics on my G620 CPU with DXVA2 on. It doesn't happen every 5 seconds for me, maybe every 5 minutes or so.

I took a picture of it:
Yes, same $hit... There are (or at least there were) files where it was happening each 5 mins or so. Bu you know what - I've disabled DXVA2 and the proble is gone, it seems that my CPU can handle 1080 at a load of 20-70% - why did I think beforeit couldnt't?

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Some HD videos won't display correctly1