Noticeably slower menu navigation on Frodo - keyboard repeat rate

It seems that the default navigation speed (read: keyboard repeat rate) in Frodo is noticeably slower compared to the one in Eden. When I use the "Info" view in "Video addons" and hold "down arrow" in order to scroll down to the end of the list, I notice a bigger lag in the keyboard repeat rate.

Two questions:
Was this an official decision to slow (somewhat) down the repeat rate?
If so, is there a way to change the keyboard rate through options?


Note 1: The number of the addons is not an issue as I try all tests long after the startup search of updates. Also, I have a lot more addons installed in Eden than in Frodo.
Note 2: Frame rate when scrolling is steady at 60 FPS, so I seriously doubt that this is a graphics card driver issue. All other things work flawlessly.
Note 3: Have tried adjusting the "dirty regions" options to no avail.
Anyone have an idea why this happens or if there is a workaround to increase keyboard rate in Frodo?
I know this is an old thread, but I recently tried Frodo, and I noticed the same thing. I've been searching for a workaround but can't find one, any help would be appreciated.
I believe it was an intentional change in v12 Frodo. There is no manual way to speed it back up. Typically, going left to the scrollbar is much easier with long lists. XBMC also supports page up/down commands, which can be mapped to a remote.
(2013-12-07, 08:50)Ned Scott Wrote: I believe it was an intentional change in v12 Frodo. There is no manual way to speed it back up. Typically, going left to the scrollbar is much easier with long lists. XBMC also supports page up/down commands, which can be mapped to a remote.

Sad Well thanks for your reply anyway. I thought there was maybe a value in advancedsettings I could change, but I guess not.

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Noticeably slower menu navigation on Frodo - keyboard repeat rate0