Comskip not working in Live TV Recordings
Hi All...

I hope that I am just missing something obvious, however I can't seem to get commercial skipping to work within XBMC. My set up is Frodo with NextPVR plugin, NextPVR and Comskip.

Comskip appears to be working fine as it is automatically generating the .txt files and if I open up a recording within NextPVR then the commercials are skipped beautifully. However, if I open up xbmc and play the same recording from Live TV/Recordings then it does not skip any commercials. It also does not show the commercial breaks in the timeline.

Any help would be appreciated as this has been frustrating me for some time.
Any suggestions would be great, even if they are suggestions on using a more appropriate forum. The xbmc wiki seems to suggest that xbmc works with NextPVR and Comskip, but that hasn't been my experience (at least with the Comskip part). Anyone else having this problem?
The PVR framework in XBMC doesn't currently allow addons to supply comskip info. A change has been submitted for it, so you'll see it in a future XBMC release.
As workaround, will skipping work when playing such recording directly from xbmc?

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Comskip not working in Live TV Recordings0