Linux Where did "Custom Passthrough" go from audio settings in Frodo?
Any reason why you don't just ditch Pulseaudio?
Yeah. PA is very basic, the "raspbmc patches" <- where are they actually coming from, there is no authorship in them, don't make it better.
But the problem here is, that "pulse" down there does not even know how to open the devices, cause it is not told from above. You need to write proper Sink support for PA in order to use this.

It will work with Alsa ™.

And btw. this is no mystery, we clearly know that PA code is missing a lot. But we have currently other problems, general AE related.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
Thanks for the responses.
Why don't get rid of PA? Well, I wanted to be an user, not developer Smile Get the release and simply use it on rpi. I stared with openelec, which was very good including building process, just all goods. But since it does not support usb sound card on rpi I moved to raspbmc. Thus efinitely, if there is usb card support in openelec I'll move to it.
Regarding raspbmc patches - just release blob plus patches from usb card support thread on their forum. No much details about them, IMO comparing to openelec raspbmc is very chaotic, things are anounced even they don't work...
Yeah - one additional thing: If raspbmc develops patches to use two sound cards, to use pulseaudio whatever within xbmc on the PI, it is their problem to support it or make a PR to send them upstream, so bugs can be ruled out and upstream can make a step forward while improving code.

I won't support non mainline code, especially not - when there is no copyright, licences included and also not know where this code is coming from. I hope you understand this.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
Sure fritsch,
your approach for not supporting not supported code is obvious.
It is also clean to me why the custom passthrough option has disappeared.

You mentioned problems with AE, should that suggests that when solved it will open the doors for usb sound card on openelec? Smile
USB Soundcards on OE are not that easy. As you know, the PI is quite lowpowered, when choosing the wrong resampler in PA (or resampling if not needed), it won't be able to put out some audio. Therefore OE directly uses omxplayer to handle Audio. Here we only have what the PI gives us. OE is running completely without alsa and (without X). I am not sure what the best way to handle it should be. We are currently rewriting Audio Engine. I think this new Engine will use much less power and therefore I see a chance to also use alsa on the Pi.

But we will see. It is not only a xbmc thing to do it correctly.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.

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Where did "Custom Passthrough" go from audio settings in Frodo?0