Will XBMC come to iOS 7 un-jailbreaked?
So now when the sdk is out for iOS7.
Is it possible to bring xbmc to iOS7 without having to jailbreak the device first?
Or is it still not possible?
Or is it just to much work?
hopefully no.
It's totally possible, and someone has done it already (though they are currently violating the GPL by not providing source code). It's a highly nerfed experience to use XBMC under apple's restrictions, and honestly, it's not really good for much. If you need a "play anything" player, both OPlayer and nPlayer are probably better on iOS for playing back tons of different files, and are on the App Store. You can't use any add-ons on XBMC via the App Store. You can't download videos to access locally, only network shares, I believe (not a restriction, but the guy who put it up there has only done a minimal job on XBMC to get it accepted). There's no hardware acceleration support, so just about all the videos play really badly.

In short, XBMC via the App Store is just no fun. XBMC via jailbreak, however, is the best iOS media player there is.

I don't know what all has changed in the iOS 7 SDK, but one thing's for sure, no add-ons would be allowed because they would be considered adding code outside of the App Store (XBMC could come with add-ons, but wouldn't be allowed to download new ones). I know there are various tricks that some 3rd party players can now use to get hardware video accretion on h.264 videos in mkv file containers, but that would basically require us to make an iOS specific player to do that, and I doubt that will happen. Oh, and Apple would make us disable DTS and AC3 audio decoding unless we paid for a license.
Thats to bad really :/
XBMC would be awesome and i bet you it would grow as fuuuudge if it came to iOS with out requiring jailbreak.
I would pay a lot for just that.
Only reason i use jailbreak now on my iPad is for XBMC really.
The fact that you can play video files when they are still rared are worth more then gold.
And to my knowledge there are no other players that have that ability. At least not without jailbreak.

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Will XBMC come to iOS 7 un-jailbreaked?0