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I've got a dir with music related videos. What I'd like to do is keep this dir separate from content that can be and is scraped.

Most of the music content is stuff like Oasis MTV Unplugged, a Verve concert that aired on tv back in 1998, a Pantera bootleg video, etc. I'd like to be able to see the specific dir where these files live as simply a list of files.

Is what I'm asking for possible?
Scrapers have the option of 'Music Videos, so if you have a separate folder outside the movie or TV folders, you should be able to specify the path to it, (add new content) set the type and scrapers... (cross your fingers here, there is not a lot of listings for music videos). This should leave you with a new folder accessible in file mode. I'm unsure (I don't collect MV) if these will show up in the main movie library, but you can certainly make a playlist or taglist in which to access through a favourite.

The type of view... 'just a list' is possible, look at the view options (left off screen sliding menu) and you should be fine. Have a look at the quick start wiki's on how to add content.
Thanks. Everything that can't scrape is there now and can be watched via XBMC.

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