Youtube slow buffering speed

I am a heavy user of the Youtube plugin. Now, since I got Frodo 12.2 I cannot use the plugin anymore as most of the videos do not load quickly enough. Most of the times the videos stop after a while and start buffering but this happens so slowly that it is practically not possible to use the plugin.

I am on a high speed internet connection (30Mbps+) and I am experiencing this problem ONLY in XBMC. Via the browser everything seems to work normally.

I did not find a similar topic. Any ideas?

Am I the only one with this problem? Yeah! I am unique!
no you are not e only one. i have the exact same problem with YouTube movie trailer and live tv as well as downloading data, but i can stream a HD 1080p movie with no interruption.
FYI :i got this problem in 2 referent computer and my internet speed is anywhere from 25 mbs to 35 mbs.
any solution or XBMC tweaking? ? ? ? ?

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