XBMC desktop shortcut logo.
The XBMC desktop shortcut logo disappears from time-to-time - In It's place is another graphic (The one that you click on to pick an alternate program to launch the application.) If that makes sense. Just a generic Windows icon...

Any idea how to fix this?
I can still launch XBMC by double clicking the icon, but the logo isn't there. Kind of annoying.
Your windows icon cache has been corrupted. It is possible to regenerate your icon cache.

Thanks for the tip!
This is the only icon on my entire computer that I've come across that's gimped.
It still counts as corruption?
I would figure if that was the case then at least some Windows 7 programs would also be missing icons but XBMC is the only one.
Anyway I'll check it out and see if it works.

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XBMC desktop shortcut logo.0