Bug Recently added widget not working
I want to use the widget on the aeon nox 4.09 that shows recently added episodes. However since they are from streams..when I try to play them from the widget they dont play. Anyone else have this problem?

I originally thought since the script from the addon im using brings up a source list that this was the problem so I went to the particular addon settings so it would play direct but this also didnt work.
No one?
Pretty sure that recently added only works for content in your library, not streaming content from addons.
I'm assuming he is referring to content added to your library from the hulu addon.

I've had the same problem since upgrading to 12.2 (I've posted it a few times), unfortunately there doesn't seem to be enough people having the issue for it to be addressed. If you do find the solution I would love to know how to fix this!

Win7 x64
Frodo 12.2
Aeon Nox
Me too!
it is a bug, an annoying one.
(2013-08-24, 19:23)herds Wrote: it is a bug, an annoying one.

Id love to see a fix to it
i've had to create a batch file to close then open xbmc to get round it.

If you go to system, edit main menu you'll find an option to update the latest widgets upon entering the home screen, this works perfectly, so if this portion of code could be added to the xbmc library updater (that I have set to run once every hour) then we'd be golden

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Recently added widget not working0