Win Subtitle Addon no longer works?
Hey there XBMC-users

I have been using XBMC for about 4 weeks with great succes and no problems whatsoever. Until now.
My subtitle add-on has stopped working for reasons unknown to me. When I click the subtitle button, it just says: "No subtitles found", even though XBMC is linked to (The icon is still visible in the subtitle menu) and I have found the subtitles on the very same page? There have been no problems with the add-on until now, and I have tried hard to fix it myself (with my very limited computer-skills)

- I am using the latest versions of XBMC (Frodo 12.2) and the subtitle add-on (3.9.11) on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
- The computer is linked to the internet
- I have tried to delete and reinstall the add-on

Debug XBMC log:
XBMC crashlog:

I hope someone can help me. Thank you very much


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