Genre Icon and Fanart Help
So far I am really loving the skin. It has functioned beautifully. However, I have one problem that I cannot get past.

Under the Movies' genre tab instead of a separate "Suspense" or "Thriller" genre like the TV show section it is combined as "Suspense/Thriller"

The main problem is trying to create an Icon or fanart for Suspense/Thriller because you cannot name a windows file using "/". Is there a remedy for this? Is there a way to separate Suspense/Thriller and make it like the genres found under TVShows?

Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
I figured it out, if anyone is having the same issue. I used a media editor to change the genre of each movie in the "Suspense/Thriller" genre to just "Suspense" and "Thriller".

Unfortunately, I had to manually refresh each movie, almost a 100 movies in order to get the genres to show up in XBMC. I wish there was a easier way to refresh movies in a specific genre.
Where does one get Genre icons/images...? mine all show no image.

Edit BlushBlushBlush
Quick search showed me this...



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