Laggy performance?
Hello, everyone!

First, I will just say I think Aeon Nox is a fantastic skin and my absolute favorite to use. I love how easy it is to customize and add various features. The one problem I have discovered is lag when using it. I can't seem to figure it out, but at some point performance with AMD drivers past 12.7 (I think?) took a nose dive. Movie menus, albums, it all seems to lag rather badly. This is not a deal breaker by any means, but I have discovered this is affecting applications outside of XBMC. For instance, if I have XBMC running in the background and try to play a game, I can instantly notice a major performance hit. I have to close XBMC and everything returns to normal. I have an extremely beefy computer so resources are not an issue. I believe this is directly tied to CPU utilization, as my CPU will idle 4-5% with Aeon Nox and 0-1% with Aeon Nox off. I am using the latest versions of all software and drivers (AMD 13.9, XBMC 12.2, Aeon 4.0.9).

Anyone have a similar experience or any idea what the problem is? If this is normal behavior for Aeon, that is understandable.

Intel Core i7 930 @ 3.4ghz
12GB 1833mhz RAM
Sapphire Radeon 7970
2x Mushkin Chronos Deluxe 240GB RAID 0
I manage several XBMC systems for friends/family. I originally delivered all the systems with ATI/AMD videocards but in my opinion they are rubbish with XBMC. Laggy menu's and weird image tearing.

I recently replaced all of them with Nvidia GT610 cards (must budget one there is but more then sufficient) and haven't heard a complaint since.

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