Help. XBMC crashes on launch after upgrade to Frodo
I upgraded the version of XBMC to Frodo on my Apple TV 2 recently (running latest untethered jailbreak).

However after the upgrade XBMC crashes to the main dashboard of Apple TV straight away.

I noticed a similar problem on this thread:

As a result I deleted the profiles.xml file. This didn't work so I deleted the entire user preferences folder.

However I still can't get the Apple TV to launch XBMC.

Do I need to copy some files back to the Apple TV?

I'd appreciate any help. If anyone is really technical and can dial in to my PC via Teamviewer to have a look at the problem I'd really appreciate it.
You could try deleting the entire userdata-folder. You'd lose all of your settings and addons, but there's a chance you'll be back in business. Or you could try deleting just the plugin-folder, to see if one of them causes the problem. In both cases backing up the folder beforehand means you'll be able to revert to the original configuration.

Alternatively you could try posting the logfile, to see what exactly is causing the crashes (which means the above isn't neccesary).

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Help. XBMC crashes on launch after upgrade to Frodo0