Video Nodes/Sub menus - Im missing a piece of the puzzle
Hi all,
I'm looking for some pointers regarding video nodes. Im running Aeon Nox 4.0.9 on Frodo 12.2. After adding two smart playlist items (2D Movies & 3D Movies) to my homescreen to replace the standard Movies menu item, Im trying to recreate the default submenu of the Movies item for each of my 2 playlists.

I was following this guide here which led me to believe that if I duplicate the default video node xmls under my userdata\library folder I can duplicate the functionality of the default nodes but add filters.

What I have so far is under userdata\library I created two new folders called movies2d and movies3d.

Each contain the copies of the default node xmls, but to the files in the movies2d folder I have added tags as per my smart playlist filters to split the 2D and 3D movies out. Here are the updated genres.xml files...

movies2d folder:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<node order="1" type="folder">
  <rule field="path" operator="doesnotcontain">Movies in 3D</rule>

movies3d folder:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<node order="1" type="folder">
  <rule field="path" operator="contains">Movies in 3D</rule>

Now where I'm lost is trying to use these filtered nodes in my sub menus. When I configure any sub-menu item as type Video Library Node, I see two Movies folder in the selection, one with the path library://video/movies2d/ and the other with library://video/movies3d/.

If I select the genre option from the corresponding folder for the root menu in question, when I exit customisation mode and click on the sub menu I get the Genre page, however the filters are not working and I just see all the movies in the database.

I really hope someone can help!
I just re-read another thread which I came across earlier which never concluded this issue and it got me to thinking that if I could just exclude all the 3D titles from the default Movies section and its submenus then I could probably live without the functionality of the submenus for my 3D vid collection for the time being as I dont have that many 3D titles at the moment.

So I removed the folders I created under portable_data\userdata\library and started with a fresh copy again from system\library.

In the video\movies folder I edited the titles.xml file as per the guide here which I was following before, albeit using the syntax for the rule tag from the working playlist file and not from the guide (which appears to be incorrect, and I did try it anyway), however my 3D Movies still show up when clicking on the titles options from the Movies sub menu.

Here is the xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<node order="2" type="filter">
  <rule field="path" operator="doesnotcontain">
        <value>Movies in 3D</value>

In desperation I also tried removing the video and video_flat folders under userdata\library and tried editing the the titles.xml under xbmc\system\library\video\movies, still to no avail.

From the searching Ive done it looks like a few people have come up against this but it has never been answered. To me this seem like something fundamental that users would want to do with there only being one common movies list, and with such customization capabilities with Frodo/Nox I feel it must be something that Im missing rather than something that is impossible to achieve.

Please help
Also just found referenced here that the files should be copied to userdata\database and not userdata\library. Tried making the same edits to the titles.xml file under userdata\database\video\movies but still getting my 3d films mixed in Sad
wow 102 views and not 1 comment haha
Can't really help you myself. I've done quite a bit of fiddling with smart playlists, but so far have found video nodes completely useless for my needs. :S
Yep same thing for me. When I first read about this "custom node" thing I thought it would work just like you. I thought I could have separate libraries and be able to have separate "genre", "title"' etc. but I can't seem to get it to work that way. And, like you, I've searched the forums and can't find anyone who has. Frankly I'm confused about how custom nodes are any different than smart playlists.... They seem totally useless. If you figure it out be sure to let us know.
On paper they're a great idea however it seems they have been poorly implemented/documented. I was previously using media browser, which in comparison to xbmc is very dated but at least I could separate out movies as I saw fit. To me this seems like something which should be core functionality as Im sure most htpc users have some segregation they would like to use while maintaining the ability to use the sub-menu filters

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Video Nodes/Sub menus - Im missing a piece of the puzzle0