Android Modify Action Of Back Button

I am developing a plugin video plugin for a client that would be given to a group of people (not released for general public). This plugin will only run on Android tablets(there could be an external keyboard or RC-11 fly wireless mouse attached to the device).

> Now there are different levels in the plugin menu (as in sub-menus).
> Every menu has a back button (I am using skin: Amber developed by Pecinko), which takes us to previous menu.
> What I want is that if the user clicks back button on the first menu, instead of taking him to addon menu I want to take him to main menu.

Now I have written the function for taking the user to main menu, but I don't know how to catch the action of the back button of the first menu. Is it possible that I draw a custom back button for first menu, in place of the default button?

Thanks for any help that you can provide.

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