disable CEC
Im running the latest version of Gotham (compiled as of two days ago) but the "enable" option for CEC does not seem to be functional.

I actually have a remote solution and don't want to use CEC but cant seem to turn it off. does anyone know of a cmd line method of removing it entirely? or just turning it off?


hdmi_ignore_cec=1 does not seem to do anything?
(2013-12-13, 23:13)apeg Wrote: Im running the latest version of Gotham (compiled as of two days ago) but the "enable" option for CEC does not seem to be functional.

How are you determining that CEC is not being diabled? It's working for me here (with a monitor that doesn't support CEC) - I can enable it or disable it.

You should get a notification when the CEC adapter is enabled/configured. To see if it's disabled, probably easiest to enable debugging and view the xbmc.log to see if it's spammed with CEC messages (when disabled, these should stop). Remember to click "OK" in the CEC Settings page to save the settings (and activate CEC) - if you don't click OK any changes you make to the settings will be ignored.

The "Enabled" option is unfortunately half-way down the CEC Settings page - apparently this is due to a bug in Gotham that causes the options to appear in a random order.

Ignore the CEC notification whenever XBMC starts as this is just the CEC device being registered by XBMC and appears whether CEC is enabled or not (Popcornmix may be able to stop this with a future firmware fix).
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
The notification does not appear, but the TV remote is still able to control xbmc... unless the TV's remote is sending the same signal as an MCE remote?
(2013-12-14, 00:44)MilhouseVH Wrote: Ignore the CEC notification whenever XBMC starts as this is just the CEC device being registered by XBMC and appears whether CEC is enabled or not (Popcornmix may be able to stop this with a future firmware fix).

I tested returning fail to the vc_cec_set_passive call, but it doesn't stop the CEC pop-up message appearing.
That's a shame, thanks for trying.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
shocking, my TV remote is sending the same IR signals as the Rpi remote... CEC was turned off

Thanks for the pointers Milhouse

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disable CEC0