ATV1 vs ATV2 Im a NOOB
Just got into jail-breaking the apple tvs. I got an ATV1 for cheap and bought a USB stick on ebay. Love it, for all the movies it has. The only thing I don't like about the atv1 is it gets really hot and is really bulky. Found an atv2 locally. He had updated the software to the newest version. But he said it was jailbroken in the past. Tried to jailbreak it with season pass and got errors. Was told to use an XP machine. Got it to teather jailbreak. I used the atv flash black to put on the xbmc. Not saying I knew what the hell I was doing....think I just pushed the right buttons and now I have a jailbroken atv2. My problem seams to be it is buffering a lot. every 4 minutes. Looked it up and read that changing the audio to coax would solve it. Nope it did not. Have heard if you pause the movie for 5 min and let it buffer it should work fine. Does not work on the atv2. What I notice is on the atv1...if I pause it, I see the bar buffer a bit but on the atv2 I don't see it "buffering". The atv1 seams to outperform the atv2. I don't really understand all the technical terms, I am a noob in every sense. Please use small words : ). Thanks.
what is the question?

ATV1 uses osx build, ATV2 uses atv2 build(ios base) so these are 2 different beasts.

you have to give us much more info if you want us to help, atv2 version? atv1 version? xbmc versions on both? does atv1 have a BC card?
Trying to figure out why the atv1 plays my movies much better than the atv2. What is a BC card? Did not do any hardware modifications to any of the boxes. Both have FRODO.
ATV1 is actually better box in my opinion, not all would share it though Smile

for us to tell you why one plays it well and the other one doesnt, we need Debug Log from both. do you use both with wired connection?
Both are wired. How do I find the debug log?
Click on the link debug log (wiki)

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ATV1 vs ATV2 Im a NOOB0