only plays audio and not video
A recent film I;ve tried to watch has only audio and the video that shows is like the same background when you play music. I try to play directly on my computer and it does the same thing. I download vlc and it play fine. So I assume its a codec issue but how do I get the codec from vlc into xbmc? Here is the video info for the file.


If I install vlc on server with movie will xbmc in turn load the right codec?
I think it was encoded in x265.
I don't think XBMC is quite ready for h265 just yet, but if VLC will handle it and you want to use VLC as an external player within XBMC,
Same happens with Gotham and x265, sound but no video. The version of ffmpeg that xbmc uses doesn't have support for x265. You could maybe try compiling xbmc with a external, recent version of ffmpeg.
Can anyone else chime in on this please, if you install the codec for windows shouldn't it load for xbmc? Or is this not even a codec thing?
Xbmc uses its own internal codecs.
H.265 is not supported yet

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only plays audio and not video0