Android Subtitles
So I recently got a Driobox MX and I am running Xbmc Frodo 12.2 and I am unable to turn off subtitles. There is a subtitles button on the remote that you get with the box however it does nothing and I am unable to turn of subtitles or find any other way around this.

Can anyone assist with this? I am at a bit of a loose end. I know my way around Xbmc having used it on the Pi but I used the App on my phone and this turned off the subtitles fine.

(i haven't tried hooking up the app yet as I wanted to use the remote)
See: Subtitles (wiki)
Thanks but it doesn't help a great deal on what I asked.
I suggest you read that wiki again, it has all how to disable subtitles for a movie you are watching or all movies in your library.

Quote:Enable Subtitles
Enable or disables subtitles. Subtitle tracks with the "forced" flag are unaffected by this and should always display.


Quote:Set as default for all videos
Selecting this will make the current settings the default
for all movies in library
I think what he is saying is that he is looking at the subtitle button on his remote...not the subtitle menu you see on the (Display, HTPC/Droid Box) screen when you click on the audio properties (the speaker icon when the media is playing). Click on that icon, look at the audio properties and enable/disable/browse for subtitles. All the options are there...

...But if the subtitles are baked into the media container, this option does not work and the subtitles cannot be changed...
sorry, I can't see the remote. please send us one so we can see it too.

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