My Photos and Google Picasa 'tweaking' data like rotate tags?
i, like many other tightwads, use picasa 2.0 for all my photo cataloguing needs. in picasa you can do 'non-destructive' image enhancement and, more often image rotation, in cases when the camera hasn't recorded the exif rotation data. it is non-destructive as any changes to an image are not applied to the original image but rather stored in a file in the image source directory called picasa.ini

the file is a set of image names and what was done to them, e.g.


the problem is then, when you look at the images on my photos then any unrotated images are displayed sideways.

it would be really nice if xbmc could read this .ini file and apply rotation information to the image during playback. naturally, none of the other tweaks like redeye reduction, contrast are applicable, just rotation.

i agree that this would be very cool!
shouldn't there be something that actually sets the rotation field in the exif info. why wouldn't you want it in there?

maybe there's a good reason, but i can't think of it.

Maybe it's possible to use the Picasa dll's for the functions done to the images. If not I don't see many of the functions in Picasa ever being implemented - at least so they work 100% the same

I mostly use red eye remover and ofcourse cropping, sometimes ajusting brightness etc
I believe in picassa 2.5 you can tell it to actually apply the changes you've made to your pictures. It saves the original one somewhere else.
Might be worth a look.
No it does not change the original, but you have the option to save (export) a modified version with all the changes to another folder. The whole idea is that you do not change the original on your harddrives, but if you want to send it to a friend or publish it, you want to export with all changes.
When using XBMC we wish to view the original with the changes done in Picasa
I think it's a new feature in 2.5 (Beta)
There is an option to save all edits to disk
This actually modifies the files, and saves a backup of the original in a hidden folder somewere.
You can then always "restore original"

some of the simple features, like rotate and crop should be possible to add (like crop and rotate etc)?


crop=rect(631 0 1821 1704)
I've switched over to Google Web Picasa from Flickr... it is 100x better! Tons more storage, integration with the Picasa PC app makes everything super sweet and easy to use.

One thing missing... an XBMC based viewer!

Anyone up for the challenge?
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
Yes, come on you heroes Smile
We really need a xbmc based Picasa viewer....

Big Grin

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My Photos and Google Picasa 'tweaking' data like rotate tags?0