No Playback- ServerWMC to Windows-based, and Android-based xbmc clients
Sorry if I'm leaving something out.. I did read the guidelines post.

OS- Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Sp1
RAM- 4gb
CPU- AMD E-350 @ 1.60 GHz
Video- AMD Radeon HD 6310

OS- Windows 7 Ultimate- 64-bit SP1
RAM- 16gb
CPU- Intel i7-2670QM A 2.2GHz
Video- AMD Radeon HD 7690M
XBMC Ver- 12.3

OS- Android / Amazon Fire OS (Amazon Fire TV)
RAM- 4gb?
CPU- Quadcore?
XBMC ver- 12.3

Attempting to Play Mpeg 2 live tv video via a HD Homerun Prime tuner (Comcast CableCard).
Live TV plays fine in WMC on server.
Server WMC indicates client initiating stream on selected channel, but video never displays on XBMC client (only get "working" wheel spinning)
This happens with all channels (SD / HD etc.)
I can view live video via the HDHomerun Quick View Utility and WMC on both the Server and Client machines. The only playback issues I have are within XBMC. Both the Android-based Amazon Fire TV, and WIndows-based XBMC client display the same behavior.

Gigabit wired connection to both. Two hops (gbit router through gbit switch)

Pastebin to log-

Edit- Here's another pasetbin of my log after attempting to stream some recorded content. This content was recorded using WMC on the server machine.-

- Behavior in action-
- Server playing live tv in WMC-
Still looks like a share/permission problem, is E:\Recorded TV shared? If that location isn't your primary Recorded TV folder it needs to be a network path rather than a local path in WMC in order to access it from pvr.wmc
If I have been of help, please add to my reputation as a way of saying thanks, it's free.
It looks like originally you had c:\users\public\Recorded TV as the default recording dir in WMC then you changed that to E:\Recorded TV. You have a \\ADMIN-PVR\Recorded TV share, but its not clear which of these areas it points to. If you dont want to use the c:\users\public path anymore, remove it in WMC as an additional watched folder.

It sounds like you just want to use your E:\ path as the default, and not have any additional watched folders. Basically the default RecTV path in WMC must be shared, and whatever that share address is, needs to be input into ServerWMC confiuguration. If you do have additional watched folders, they need to be added in WMC as a UNC path so they can be accessed by remote clients. Make sure the user and password you are inputting in ServerWMC is correct for a local user/password on the Server PC that has permissions on the share.

There's something a bit funny going on though, as I think making these changes in WMC possibly while ServerWMC was running has gotten it a bit confused as it is sending invalid paths to clients:

OpenLiveStream> stream path returned to client: TempSWMC/LiveTV_TADMIN-3040NR_Digital Cable_3_2014_05_22_14_45_39.ts

This path should be a SMB URL (if the client is remote) or a local path (including drive letter) if the client is on the server. Instead it seems to have nothing at the start, and just simply "TempoSWMC\etc\etc" which is not right! If ServerWMC was still running when you were changing stuff in WMC I would make sure you stop ServerWMC and restart it and see if it figures out the paths better. We will need to look into this bug as to why it seems to have ended up sending paths with no SMB or drive letter at the front of them!

Perhaps it isnt a bug since the log does say

2014/05/22 14:45:00.368 Rec TV changed! Old: C:\Users\Public\Recorded TV\, New: E:\Recorded TV\
2014/05/22 14:45:01.292 Resetting stored network path to empty string

So perhaps the intention is that you must always restart ServerWMC after you make significant changes in the WMC side
pvr.wmc TV addon and ServerWMC Backend Development Team
(2014-05-22, 22:48)Dilligaf Wrote: Still looks like a share/permission problem, is E:\Recorded TV shared? If that location isn't your primary Recorded TV folder it needs to be a network path rather than a local path in WMC in order to access it from pvr.wmc

(2014-05-23, 01:11)scarecrow420 Wrote: It looks like originally you had c:\users\public\Recorded TV as the default recording dir in WMC then you changed that to E:\Recorded TV. You have a \\ADMIN-PVR\Recorded TV share, but its not clear which of these areas it points to. If you dont want to use the c:\users\public path anymore, remove it in WMC as an additional watched folder.

It sounds like you just want to use your E:\ path as the default, and not have any additional watched folders. Basically the default RecTV path in WMC must be shared, and whatever that share address is, needs to be input into ServerWMC confiuguration. If you do have additional watched folders, they need to be added in WMC as a UNC path so they can be accessed by remote clients. Make sure the user and password you are inputting in ServerWMC is correct for a local user/password on the Server PC that has permissions on the share.

There's something a bit funny going on though, as I think making these changes in WMC possibly while ServerWMC was running has gotten it a bit confused as it is sending invalid paths to clients:

OpenLiveStream> stream path returned to client: TempSWMC/LiveTV_TADMIN-3040NR_Digital Cable_3_2014_05_22_14_45_39.ts

This path should be a SMB URL (if the client is remote) or a local path (including drive letter) if the client is on the server. Instead it seems to have nothing at the start, and just simply "TempoSWMC\etc\etc" which is not right! If ServerWMC was still running when you were changing stuff in WMC I would make sure you stop ServerWMC and restart it and see if it figures out the paths better. We will need to look into this bug as to why it seems to have ended up sending paths with no SMB or drive letter at the front of them!

Perhaps it isnt a bug since the log does say

2014/05/22 14:45:00.368 Rec TV changed! Old: C:\Users\Public\Recorded TV\, New: E:\Recorded TV\
2014/05/22 14:45:01.292 Resetting stored network path to empty string

So perhaps the intention is that you must always restart ServerWMC after you make significant changes in the WMC side

Thank you both for your input.

I did clean up my share paths and verified permissions. Rebooted server and clients, and now everything is working!

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No Playback- ServerWMC to Windows-based, and Android-based xbmc clients0