Genaitech/Mygica ATV582, Android, XBMC, my experiences
Hi everyone
I have just purchased a Mygica ATV582 android set top TV box. After such a solid experience with an ATV520 I figured I'd take the plunge. My experiences so far...

Firstly I strongly suggest that if you're considering this box go to the official mygica forums at and check out the firmware feedback thread there under 'discussions'.

I purchased the box via ebay. The firmware it came with was made in April 2014. The upgrade process for this to bring it up to its most recent FW was incredibly difficult. You basically have to upgrade the FW 3 times, using 3 FW files, in sequential order. The problem was that my box kept crashing/randomly rebooting during the process. But eventually I got it to the latest FW (Aug 2014) and it has been stable for me. All my favourite addons work. My set up is quite minimal, just the box connected to my TV via HDMI, no passthrough, no 1080p BD rips etc. Just some streaming and some old divx classics off my external HD.

The box has an external wifi antenna and apparently has better wifi vs the 520. I have not tested the wifi as mine is hardwired in. Have had no issues with the LAN. Box goes in and out of standby like it should for me.

Compared to the atv520 it is lightyears faster and 'feels' much less buggy, if that makes sense. It feels solid, like the software is never trying to catch up to what you're telling it to do. The included remote is 100% better and completely different from the 520's. The remote works 100% for me, no jumpy responses, no issues, just as my TV remote works, and it feels of the same decent build quality. Check out pictures on the web for layout etc.

It comes running android 4.4.2. And some Mygica modified version of XBMC 13.1 which apparently supports HW decoding and 4K. There are reports of the stock 13.1 and 13.2 running just fine too. The basic things I've thrown at it have played with no issue. I haven't tried running anything intensive on this thing though.

The XBMC menu output is full 1080p. No Linux port even rumoured yet. This box is fresh off the presses!

The only issue I have discovered (after finally updating the FW) is that my wireless USB mouse disappears and needs to be replugged after coming out of standby.

Overall if I already had an atv520 I wouldn't feel the need to upgrade. I donated my 520 to a friend though and thus figured I'd get this model after the fact. There are a few bugs to be worked out, but the support at the official forums is half decent, if a little sparse. There have been a total of 4 FW releases between April and August now, each addressing issues, so that's good.

If anyone has any questions or other experiences please fire away!

Any max data through output of wifi for reference? I want to stream FHD video via Wifi.
Also satisfied with this box, it would be great if they release FW that will support full keyboard over IR
This way Harmony remote would be fully functional in XBMC.
Also still not sure (and not sure if MyGica knows Smile ) what Bluetooth usb dongles work, since still can't get any info on this.
I turned on Bluetooth in my ATV582....and use a small no name Bluetooth/wireless fine.

My problem with the ATV582 remote......when using the pre-installed Netflix, I can not pause the movie. The OK button does turn the box on/off and will pause movies on XBMC.....but it will not pause Netflix movies. Has anyone found a solution for this...Huh Is there another remote that I can buy to solve this problem?
I know, Mygica support just isn't releasing ANY info on the bluetooth chip inside the new 582s. We need someone to open up their newer box and post a picture of both sides of the board. Maybe we can discern the chip maker that way..
i have this box, right now is broken.... wifi/ethernet doesn´t work correctly.... i think i made a mistake buying it
Kics......they have a 1 year warranty.....did you buy it more than a year ago...?
yes, yes i did Sad

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Genaitech/Mygica ATV582, Android, XBMC, my experiences0