Video Cache location
Is there a way to make xbmc use the extSDCARD for it's cache location. I am using a g-box and the buffer seems to be getting full after a few seconds of live streaming. I am assuming it is a lack of memory issue, and would like to use a 16GB SD Card for my buffer memory.
I've looked into the same on my raspberry Pi and although the directory sizes dont seem to increase, i believe its in the temp folder of the xbmc directory (so for mine thats /home/pi/.xbmc/temp). I've just added a USB key, configured caching and symlinked the temp directory to the key and it appears to be writing to it but I'd like a definitive answer if possible as I'm looking to cache also as 3D movies on my home network tend to run the default caches dry.
There is no video cache location. Cache is in memory.
(2014-08-17, 23:06)Kib Wrote: There is no video cache location. Cache is in memory.

Really? According to

Setting cachemembuffersize=0

Value: 0 - we can use the local disk memory (typically your hard drive), which will not put any limit on the size (outside of the size of your drive). This also allows devices with low RAM, such as the Raspberry Pi, to cache more than they normally would due to the small amount of RAM they have. The cache is deleted from the local disk whenever playback is stopped. Note: This will likely cause increased wear-and-tear on your drive.

3.1 Example 1
All three options enabled, using local hard drive for cache.

And strange that I tested this very option and was able to cache 1.7GB of data on a 512MB Raspberry Pi.
If you specifically tell it to use the hard disk, then yes, it will use the hard disk. However, unless you tell us that is how you've set it up then we can only assume that you are using RAM for the cache.

I don't believe it is currently possible to use a different location for the hard disk cache. You can try to use path subs (wiki) on the temp folder, but I don't know if that actually works or not.
I forgot we added disk cache, and it is off by default. (As I believe it should stay)

Hard links would work, XBMC would not be able to see them. Getting more memory/hardware, or a better connection between the data and your XBMC instance would be a better idea.
Note that using flash (or sdcard) as a video cache is more or less guaranteed to kill it rather fast.
AFAIK, a sector on those is only guaranteed for ~10000 writes before dying.

Furthermore, performances are poor, especially when writing, so I'm pretty sure it's not worth it.
(2014-08-18, 09:11)Koying Wrote: AFAIK, a sector on those is only guaranteed for ~10000 writes before dying.

Any decent sdcard or flash file system will support wear levelling, so the same sector won't be repeatedly used.
And the speed are more than enough to support caching a video file (cachemembuffersize=0 is commonly used on the Pi without reported problems).
How many MBPS do you need to run an XBMC. I am running it on a Android box I can pick an add-on like mash up , then I can pick the movies but when I go to million uploads, or one of the others. I hit the okay button, it says it's working and then just stop. My Internet speed is 10 MBPS. What can I do please help. VR
(2014-08-18, 17:55)vrmccarty Wrote: How many MBPS do you need to run an XBMC. I am running it on a Android box I can pick an add-on like mash up , then I can pick the movies but when I go to million uploads, or one of the others. I hit the okay button, it says it's working and then just stop. My Internet speed is 10 MBPS. What can I do please help. VR

You need at least a "level orange" internets to download the things.

Also, we can't help you with add-ons like mashup per our forum rules (wiki).
Came here looking for an answer, couldnt find one here or anywhere else so I went I find it myself.

When you set up Kodi with the "0 xml cache" you will notice your disk memmory running out. To clean it, go to "var/mobile/library/preferences/kodi/temp", this is for IOS only, sorry dont have android.

I use IFile to browse to the location in my ipad and clear the cache, I have freed as much as 2GB.

Hope that helps someone.
If i set cachemembuffersize=0, how much cache will Kodi use? For instance for a 10GB mkv file, and readbufferfactor=10. Is there a limit size or it will grow until it can?
(2015-03-30, 19:03)tfouto Wrote: If i set cachemembuffersize=0, how much cache will Kodi use? For instance for a 10GB mkv file, and readbufferfactor=10. Is there a limit size or it will grow until it can?

No limit. It obviously can't exceed the size of the video file, but if you only had, say 5G free and tried to play a 10G file then it might exit with an error when the disk/sdcard was full.
Ok, thanks...

So it will fill until the size of the file at speed given the readbufferfactor.

Also when cachemembuffersize is not 0, all cache is in RAM? Because to me that doesn't seems to happen:
Im having issues moving kodi data including cache location to external storage (USB HDD) I`ve followed instruction from but when i run kodi it creates all files back default directory. I also tried advancessettings.xml and again it creates files to default directory. Does anyone knows any other way to do this?

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Video Cache location0