Xlink Kai exits
:help:  :bomb:   im not sure if this has been answered in the forum but i couldnt find it ,ok i am running xlink kai from xbmc and when i go to arenas, and when i click play, the game starts up, but when i go to system link none of the games show up and when i check on my computer xlink says it had to exit.(the "send error report" thing popped up) and i tried this with 2 differnet games and same thing, and the ports are forwarded right, in fact it worked perfectly yesterday. id aprecciate the help- thanks

Sometimes when I restart the xbox, or reload xbmc, or sometimes just cock about with the xbox the client on the PC exits. No message that it had to exit or anything like that, it just exits.
Pretty irritating.
And I have the latest version of the client.
is your XBMC connecting to kai ? .. it will close your PC UI if XBMC connects , you can only have 1 UI open at a time .. disable kai in the XBMC options or set in the Kai Config to NOT accept UI connections ..

also try loading the kai config and selecting the network card your XBOX is hooked up to (via router or whatever) instead of autodetect ..
i am having the same problem
this fuxing thing is pissing me off!
Hicaow..your words didn't help!
even if I run Xlink without connecting to the xbox...it still fuxing closes down!
i set the thing you said,,,but you can't allow xlink not to accept UI connections
if I connect my xbox to xlink..it still closes down!
if xlink is closing you need to forward a port on your router or your behind a firewall .. http://www.portforward.com

i suggest for now disabling kai in XBMC until your pc kai works ..

have a read through that as well ..

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