Multiple commands in AlarmClock() function?
I'm a brand new XBMC user, and I'm also rather new to Python, so indulge me here Smile

Here's what I want to do:

I want the movie to pause halfway through, play an intermission video, and be able to resume the movie afterwards.
The closest I've come to accomplishing this (in the last few hours) is to use the AlarmClock function with a preset amount of time:

import xbmcgui, xbmc

xbmc.executebuiltin("AlarmClock(alarm1,XBMC.PlayMedia( [URL to video file] ),45,silent)")

What I want, is to add multiple commands in this function, as in, first pause the currently playing video ( XBMC.PlayerControl(Play) ) so as to record it's position with the resume playback addon I have installed, then play the other video, etc. etc.

Is there a way to add multiple arguments in the "command" field of the AlarmClock function?
Or is there maybe a better way to do this?

Thanks in advance, and sorry for the messiness.

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