separating kids movies

Aim : Separate menu item which will go to kids movies

I've read a lot about creating nodes and editing .nfo files etc.

Is the best way to achieve this to edit the nfo file for each file and make sure it has 'kids' as the genre?? Is it then possible to create a custom link in the skin menu that will go directly to the 'kids' genre?

Alternatively is the best idea to have any kids movies in a separate path and then use this node business to create a new node which just displays things in that path....? Is it then possible to customise the main menu to go directly to a node?

Thanks for any pointers.
Create a profile for kids?
I'll look into that... also looking at smart playlists to pick up movies that have a path match on "kids"...
Smart playlist is what I did... several of them. I have my videos organized into the following parent folders, and a smart playlist for each linked to the main menu:

TV Shows
Kids Shows
Kid Movies
Home Videos

Your skin will determine how easy it is to add/replace existing main menu items with shortcuts to the various smart playlists. Zero nfo editing, zero nodes (whatever that is!?), just drop things into different parent folders and see that each folder is added as a source. I did it all pretty quickly from the comfort of the couch with a remote. The only hitch is that if you use the standard Movie or TV shortcuts on the main menu they'll take you to a list of everything (including kids stuff); so just make a smart playlist for those standard entries too, limiting them to the movies found in the applicable parent folder.

I'm still back on Frodo, using the Aeon Nox skin... it's really easy. Most of the skins I've tried out in the past were pretty easy to customize with new/altered shortcuts on the main menu.

I didn't go the profile route, because I didn't want to have to switch back and forth/teach the wife/kids to switch, plus there's nothing that'll really warp the kiddos on the server... but profiles would definitely work too.
Smart playlist might work for this as well. But if I would have kids, and if I think about the horror movies I own, I wouldn't like the idea, that the kid has only to leave the playlist and go to the normal video library and see all this adult movies.

So creating new profiles and password protect them would be my way. For easy handling I wouldn´t protect the kids profile, so they can't forget the password.

And the best is...the kids aren't able to change any setting in the master profile, as a profile has its own settings for everything.
Great idea... and I'll certainly implement that in the future... for now my kids are too young to be able to use the remote / keyboard - it's just for me to be able to pull up their movies easily....

For anyone else looking to do the same, without a separate profile, then I've succeeded in doing it by importing the movies, creating a smart playlist based on the filepath (has the word kids in it) and then once the play list is working I customised the main menu using this command as the action XBMC.ActivateWindow(video,special://profile/playlists/video/kids.xsp,return)

- Aeon Nox was nice and easy to do this with as you can customise the menu from within Kodi.... I did also manage it on Confluence, but that involves editing the home.xml file in the 720 directory... not tricky... just copy and paste another menu item and alter the details.

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