xbmc sync playback to display problem
Hello! I have one problem with syncing playback to display by method video clock (resample audio).
This method sync video FPS with refresh rate pretty well in most cases, but some movie RIPs make troubles. (yes, they have constant frame rate and they are solid, surely encoded by skilled rippers)
I use 50 Hz output.

Problem is, These videos can't keep 25fps to match the refresh frequency 50Hz all the time, sometimes drop at 22 just for a moment, and then get back to required 25.
It affect on errors like missed frames, and result is choppines during playback. If I adjust refresh rate to match the video, everything is OK, smooth playback, no dropped frames.

But I found source of this issue! It is an audio track! Coded to DTS, in mediainfo nothing strange (other videos with DTS track have the same parameters via mediainfo and works well!). second track (russian AC3) works also well.
So Question is: whats wrong with this audio? I can not believe guys who made that rip havent any skill. They know what they are doing. It must be some maybe some parameter, changable simply via mkvmerge or something. Do you have some ideas?

When I reencode that audio track in PopCorn (libav) to AC3 problem is solved. Everything is fine!
When in audiodemux (libav too) - video jittering solved, but sound skips. Strange is in EXACTLY THAT moment, when frame drops before.

Im really curious where is the problem, if you something need, some screenshot or more info I will post it.
I wish, I'll find a better way than reencode DTS to AC3 each time when this happened Smile

Thank you

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